Om de ThinKnx goed te kunnen laten werken, hebben deze services toegang nodig tot bepaalde internetdiensten en is er optioneel port forwarding nodig. Hierna volgen alle betrokken poorten en hosts met specificaties van de richting en de bestemming.

ServiceHost port and protocolCommentsNotes
NTP123 (TCP and UDP)
Used to sync clock with NTP servers.1)
Thinknx cloud*
80, 443, 24532 (TCP) outbound
Used to connect to Thinknx cloud service2)
Thinknx projects
80, 443 (TCP) outbound
Used to download project updates from cloud3)
Thinknx clients7550 (TCP) inboundUsed by client to connect to server for control4)
Thinknx clients (cloud)
24531 (TCP) outbound
Used by client to connect to server using cloud for control5)
Internal webpage5051 (TCP) inboundUsed to connect to server webpage for maintenance6)
80, 443 (TCP) outbound
Used to sync with remote assistance service7)
This service is mandatory to sync clock with internet services. Server can act as NTP server as well (inbound connection) and it is advised to use just for local network (not exposed to the internet)
These services are required when cloud connection is used
Port 7550 inbound is only required when direct client connection is adopted. It usually requires to create port forwarding rules on router/firewall depending on network infrastructure
Access to webpages is not required and it is advised not to expose to the internet
Remote assistance service used on request to obtain factory support